Girls on the Road



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Delays happen.

New to the GotR household is Girls on the Store, our new CafePress storefront. Nothing much there so far, so we're taking suggestions (post 'em in the forum) for new gear to make available. Additionally, all proceeds from the store right now will go to the special Save Halcy's Teeth fund we've set up, as the progress bar at the bottom of this page shows. Those wanting to contribute without gaining stuff in the process, there is also a nifty donation button at the bottom. All help much appreciated by Halcy's aching gums.

Still looking for life in the forums. Not giving up hope!

And finally, goddamn this will be an awesome month. Metroid Prime Hunters. Oblivion. Ahh, I can hardly wait.

See you next update!

(And a special note for our french-speaking audience: Nath is working on her own wiki! It's a compendium of her rare books of erotica, pornography and curiosa. It's currently only available in French and can be found below:
Catalogue bibliographique des ouvrages érotiques, pornographiques et curiosa)


O_o Ah, crap, I have to do that thing where I write after making a comic again.

My creative ebb and flow is a funny thing. Last Sunday I could not bring myself to focus on anything for more than 5 minutes, and that included the strip. I roughed out some of the line art and gave up at 10pm, which is *wimpy*.

Today I had a root canal and finished the art.

I don't understand it very well either.

I need two more root canals, on an 'is this an emergency or soon to be an emergency' basis, so maybe that'll be two more nights of quick art.

Picture props to Hagio Toma. I doubt Viz will be translating anything more of yours.



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Girls on the Road and its characters are © Alexandre van Chestein & Jennifer Kitzman, 2001-2006.  All rights reserved.  Yar!