Girls on the Road



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Another hiatus, another leap forward in my style. Still a hell of a long way to go.

It's taken me two to three solid days of work to get this strip done, which I find quite long. I'm doing this the classic mangaka way: I pencil everything out, ink it in, erase the pencils and then I scan everything and do the photoshop thing. It's much faster when I use the flexible tip pen and draw straight from that, but I just don't get the level of detail that I like. It's also much easier to keep proportions when I apply myself like this. Hopefully I'll find some tricks to do it faster.

We still have Girls on the Store, our CafePress storefront. Nothing new here. All proceeds from the store still go to the special Save Halcy's Teeth fund we've set up, as the progress bar at the bottom of this page shows. Those still wanting to contribute without gaining stuff in the process, there is also a nifty donation button at the bottom. All help much appreciated by Halcy's aching gums. To those who have donated so far: you are awesome and Jen's teeth thank you. Rock on!

Still looking for life in the forums. At least I've got a couple roleplaying sessions started up with some friends, in-between deleting bot registrations. Feel free to use the forums, they're nice and quiet!

I also have played so many games since the last strip. I burned through my friend's Gamecube collection, I got another plethora of DS games and I upgraded to a DS Lite. My Brain Age is also my actual age, so I feel good about that. In an unscientific, Nintendo Fun way.

See you next update! Hey, with any luck it'll be this year.

(And another special note for our english-speaking audience: Nath's wiki, a compendium of her rare books of erotica, pornography and curiosa, has been updated with key pages in English as well as French! It can be found below:
Catalogue bibliographique des ouvrages érotiques, pornographiques et curiosa)


Finally getting this update finished sort of snuck up on me. It wasn't going anywhere, then over a few Sundays it became done. Since last update I have...

-Played Kingdom Hearts II and seen other people beat the game
-Gotten still closer to my new academic career
-Worked my usual routine
-Been to Disney World and back! Holy crap the land of the mouse is a strange place! Few times have I ever been someplace as good at seperating me from my money as Disney World. If you go, buy your way into Epcot and visit the international areas, they're awesome. Take the Mexico boat ride thing. And don't eat chicken while you're there.

RPG wise, check out Weapons of the Gods for wacky Wuxia fun and True 20 for some very flexible genre-free d20 gaming.

Anime wise, check out Ouran Host Club, it brings the funny.

Otherwise, in all truth, I am still boring.




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Girls on the Road and its characters are © Alexandre van Chestein & Jennifer Kitzman, 2001-2006.  All rights reserved.  Yar!